Animated globe with eyes, it symbolizes crochet abbreviations and terms

The Crocheter's Glossary: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Crochet Abbreviations and Terms

Introuction to Crochet Abbreviations and Terms.

Welcome to my comprehensive guide to crochet abbreviations and terms! Whether a beginner or an experienced crocheter, it's important to familiarize yourself with the terminology used in crochet patterns. From "rep" (repeat) to "sc2tog" (single crochet 2 together), understanding these abbreviations and terms will help you follow patterns with ease and ensure that your projects turn out just as intended. This post will go over the most common crochet abbreviations and terms, along with their translations in multiple languages. So grab your hooks, and let's get started on mastering these crochet essentials!

Crochet abbreviations and terms, symbolized by a crochet blue planet with eyes, on a blue background
Crochet Abbreviations and Terms - Chart in 10 languages


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